Neoclassical Architecture: Power and Authority

It’s more than just columns and symmetry — it is a philosophy in stone. Born in the mid-18th century, a movement that very much opposed the excesses of Baroque and Rococo, that were so prevalent prior to the Enlightenment.

Happy Friday folks,

We’ve all heard of the Pantheon, Parthenon and maybe even the Erechtheion. They’re all exceptional examples of Classical architecture. But what if there was a way to build these more buildings that look as if they’ve been transported straight from the ancient world?

Panthéon, Paris, France (1790)

That’s where Neoclassical architecture comes in. It’s more than just columns and symmetry — it is a philosophy in stone. It was born in the mid-18th century, a movement that very much opposed the excesses of Baroque and Rococo, that were so prevalent prior to the Enlightenment. Rather, neoclassicism favored the clarity, order and divine proportion of Greek and Roman design.

It was a way to link the present to the glories of ancient Athens and Rome, evoking power, stability, and beauty. That’s why so many government buildings adopted the style — why banks, too, built their headquarters in grand neoclassical forms. A Neoclassical façade sends a message: endurance, authority, permanence. It reassures the onlooker that the institution it houses is here to stay. Interestingly, it also gives the perception that the bank is much older than it actually is, again reaffirming respect.

New York Stock Exchange, USA (1903)

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That’s why Neoclassical architecture and a solid concrete portico are so great at connoting the idea that your money is safe. It is simple and reassuring. From first glance, you feel authority, sometimes just from the sheer scale of the building alone.

Neoclassicism revived the architectural “orders” of Greece and Rome — Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. Each carried symbolic weight: Doric for strength, Ionic for elegance, and Corinthian for opulence.

Many Neoclassical buildings, especially modern ones, borrow the idea of simplicity from the Parthenon or the imposing porticos of Roman temples. You cannot have a perfect Neoclassical building without symmetry, and without the classical ideal of harmony and proportion.

Here's a journey through some of the most breathtaking examples...

This is the Royal Palace of Naples, in Italy, built 167 years ago.

Walhalla, Donaustauf, Germany (1842)

A near-exact replica of the Parthenon, depicting the defeat of the Romans in the 9 A.D. battle of the Teutoburger Forest. Inside, it houses busts of some of the most important figures in German and European history: Goethe, Beethoven and Charlemagne.

Palace of Justice, Brussels, Belgium (1866)

Larger than St. Peter’s Basilica and heavier than the Great Pyramid. The building is colossal. In fact, it was once the tallest building in the world. The central dome rises 104 meters, supported by massive Corinthian columns, giving the impression of an ancient temple reimagined for the industrial age.

The Capitol Building, Washington DC, USA (1800)

The grand staircase, the vast portico, the imposing dome — all inspired by the civic architecture of the Republic that once ruled the Mediterranean: Rome.

Romanian Atheneum, Bucharest (1888)

The outside is inspired by the Pantheon but the inside is a whole other world…

The Academy of Athens, Greece (1926)

Athens is the birthplace of philosophy and democracy so it’s only fitting that one of the most perfect examples of Neoclassicism should stand here.

You can see the statues of Plato (left) and Socrates (right), as well as the goddess Athena and Apollo, son of Zeus, standing on the pillars.

Helsinki Cathedral, Finland (1852)

It doesn’t get the attention it deserves. If you thought that it looks quite similar to St. Petersburg’s architecture, then you wouldn’t be wrong because this is no accident —Finland was part of the Russian Empire at the time, and the cathedral was designed to emphasize that connection. Before Finland gained independence, it was named the Nicholas Church after Saint Nicholas and Nicholas I, the Tsar who financed the project.

Victor Emmanuel II Monument, Rome, Italy (1911)

One of the most iconic landmarks of the Eternal City. It goes by many names but the “Typewriter” and “Wedding Cake,” seem to be the more popular ones…

And that’s it for Neoclassical architecture.

A very interesting way to radiate ancient power, stability and permanence in our cities.

Until Next Time,

World Scholar

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